Covid Vaccine Article

Saisha Nandamuri
3 min readJul 1, 2021

I often wonder when the world will go back to the ‘good old days’ of not wearing a mask in public, not hand sanitizing every two seconds, and not seeing Covid on the news everyday. I can’t help but wonder if wearing a mask and hand sanitizing frequently is the new normal. No one, not even top medical professionals, truly knows when or if we will go back to the pre-Covid days, but the more people take the covid vaccine, the closer we get to somewhat normal. As of February 15, the U.S. has administered 54.6 million doses. On average, 1,699,303 doses have been given out daily, and if this rate continues, 75% of the population will be vaccinated in eight months.

The Mayo Clinic has published Covid vaccine guidelines:

  • Possible side effects of the vaccine include swelling or pain at the point of injection, tiredness, fever or headache, muscular or joint pain
  • A vaccinated person still needs to avoid close contact, wear cloth face coverings in public places, practice good hygiene, and stay home if you’re sick
  • Pfizer has a 94% effective rate and Moderna has a 95% effective rate at protecting from an infection with the Covid-19 virus
  • Pfizer-BioNTech and the Moderna Covid-19 vaccines use messenger RNA (mRNA)
  • Covid vaccines cannot give the coronavirus

This information is important to factor in when making a decision on whether or not to get the vaccine, and to reconsider myths that have been spread around.

Personally, I always look forward to the summer season. I miss getting sunburnt at the beach while sand gets all over you, going to the pool with my friends, and going on vacations. Last summer, many of us did not get to experience a true summer. It didn’t even feel like a summer break. We may not even get a real summer this year if Covid continues to spiral out of control. I want a real summer, and I’m sure many of you want that as well. If the majority of people can get the vaccine, we may be able to have a real summer sooner than later.

I decided to create a survey to make sure that people knew the important information about the Covid vaccine and hopefully to clear up any myths. The survey had over 100 respondents.

Below are the questions/answers/responses to the survey. I think some may surprise you!



Saisha Nandamuri

I am an aspiring physician looking to make a positive impact on my local community as well as the healthcare industry.